Double blind pairs
Like most scientific journals that aspire to high quality, Akofena, the scientific journal for Language, Literature, Languages & Communication, subscribes to the principle of double-blind peer review as decided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) DOI : To avoid any risk of complacency and to ease the task of the Editorial Boards, Akofena’s Editorial Secretariat is responsible for steering the review of all articles. According to this principle, all articles submitted to Akofena must go through this process. It consists of submitting the version of an article received and deemed acceptable by the Editorial Board to a review by at least two credible specialists, who may or may not be members of the Scientific and Reading Committee, and who may (or may not) ask the authors to make changes before publication. The notion of double-blind peer review means that the reviewers will read the article without knowing the author, and that they will not know the identity of the people who have reviewed their text when they make the final version, at least not before final publication.