Deadline 15/02/2025

For its 15th varia issue, to be published in April 2025, Akofena is calling for contributions covering all aspects of the Sciences of Language, Literature, Languages and Communication, and related disciplines. Articles may be submitted in French, English, Spanish or German.

The quarterly review Akofena is now published by the Centre de Recherche sur les Arts la Culture (C.R.A.C), housed at the Institut National Supérieur des Arts et de l’Action Culturelle (I.N.S.A.A.C.). Its activities cover all aspects of the Sciences of Language, Literature, Languages and Communication. It only publishes unpublished (original) articles of high scientific quality that have received the positive approval of two anonymous instructors (specialists). To be published, each draft article is evaluated twice and then subjected to anti-plagiarism detection. The articles published are original depending on whether they come from the fields of language science, discourse analysis, literature, linguistic grammar, communication, etc. As a scientific journal for apprentice researchers (students), researchers and teacher-researchers, Akofena aims to be a platform for the popularisation of advanced scientific productions, and above all to facilitate exchanges between academics.

Recommendation to authors

Minimum number of pages: 10 pages, maximum: 16 pages, line spacing: simple. Numerical numbering in Arabic numerals, at the bottom right of the page concerned.

  • Font: Athelas.
  • Size 12.
  • Orientation: Portrait. Margins: Top and Bottom: 3cm, Right and Left: 3cm.

For an article that is a theoretical and fundamental contribution: Title, First and Last name of the author, Home institution, E-mail address, Abstract in French, Keywords, English translation in title of the article, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction (justification of the theme, problematic, hypotheses/scientific objectives, approach), Articulated development, Conclusion, Bibliographical references.

For an article resulting from field research: Title, First name(s) and NAME of the author, Home institution, E-mail address, Abstract in French, Keywords, English translation in title of the article, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Bibliographic references.

How do I submit an article?
  • Title : The first page must include the title of the article, the first and last names of the authors, their institution of affiliation and their e-mail address and telephone number (WhatsApp).
  • The abstract should not exceed 350 words. It should be succinct so as to bring out the essence of the analysis.
  • Keywords must not exceed five (05).
    Translate the title of the subject into English when the article is written in French. For any language other than French, the title, abstract and keywords must be translated into French.
  • For an article resulting from field research:

Title, author’s first name(s) and surname(s), home institution, e-mail address, abstract in French, key words, English translation in article title, abstract, keywords, introduction, methodology, results and discussion, conclusion, bibliographical references.

The introduction should provide sufficient background information, setting the context in which the study was undertaken. It should enable the reader to judge the qualitative value of the study and assess the results obtained.

Body of the subject: The different parts of the body of the subject must appear in a logical order. (e.g. 1; 1.1; 1.2; 2; 2.1; 2.2; etc.). The introduction and conclusion are not numbered.

  • Footnotes do not refer to bibliographic references, but to additional information.
  • Citations are integrated into the citing text in accordance with APA standards.
Further details on APA standards
Submit an article
Publication or insertion fees
  • Submissions are free of charge
  • Publication/insertion costs are only paid once the article has been accepted by the experts appointed to examine it.
Exemption policy
  • Submissions are free of charge
    In order to encourage and help students of Language Sciences at the Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny (Côte d’Ivoire), a discount of 37,5€  is applied to all articles accepted after evaluation.
Report on publications 2024
Last update December 31, 2024 !